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Fall Baseball

Online Registration for Fall Baseball 2024 begins on July 15th and ends August 13th. Teams will be finalized shortly after that, and practice starts Monday August 19th. 
Our Fall Season for ages 6 & up is a 7-game season. Games begin Sunday, September 8th (tentative) and finish on Sunday, October 27th (tentative). Our Fall Season is an instructional season.  No score is kept, and coaches are encouraged to give players an opportunity to play multiple positions.

Ages 5 & Under will play a 4 game season that begins on Sunday September 8th (tentative) and finishes on Sunday September 29th (tentative).

What can I expect to pay?

  • 3&4 year old Tee Ball - $110
  • 5-year-old Coach pitch - $110
  • 6-year-old Coach pitch - $150
  • 7-year-old Coach Pitch - $150
  • 8-year-old Coach Pitch - $150
  • 9/10-year-old Baseball - $150
  • 11/12-year-old Baseball - $150
  • 13/14-year-old Baseball - $150

What equipment do I need to buy?

Your Registration fee covers:

  • One Hat and One Jersey 

Additional Items you may need to purchase (Discounts available from our sponsors)

  • Batting Helmet: A pressure type helmet with protective face mask (12 & under), full ear flaps and chin strap.
  • Baseball Glove
  • Baseball Pants and Belt (color and style to be decided as a team)
  • Baseball Cleats (No Steel Spikes allowed under 13/14)
  • Baseball bat

    When are games and practices?

    Each team 6&Up are scheduled one Practice per week by the League scheduler for before the start of the season. There are no official practices scheduled on Saturday or Sunday. However, coaches may schedule additional practices on any day of the week on a first come first serve basis.  Ages 3-5 will only practice on Sunday Afternoons in the pre-season and will not have weeknight practices in the fall.

    Once the season begins, you will have one weeknight practice and one Sunday game. Weeknight practices are scheduled at 5:30 p.m and 7:00pm.  Sunday game times begin at 1:00 pm. 

    What age group will my child play in?

    Baseball Division Age is determined by the age of the child on April 30 of the next Spring Season. For example, if a child is age 8 at registration but will be age 9 on April 30 of the following year's spring season, the child shall be considered as a League Age 9 for the fall season.

    The 4-year-old division is open to players who will be four by July 1. Any participants with a later birthday should submit a Play Up request to be approved by the Baseball Commissioner.

    **After registering on the website, a list of available divisions will be automatically generated based on the participant's birthday.** 

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